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I have sinned today.

I checked my phone during a massage.

It laid there, within my reach, just in case I needed to check the time or wanted to record a sneaky video…

I forgot to put it on airplane mode…

And some of the moves in my facelifting ritual are one-handed… slow… some of the moves are not even… moving - they’re static holds…

And bam.

I gave in to the temptation.

For the first time ever.

I wish I could say karma punished me right away and I spilled the oil or scratched my client or something.

I didn’t.

I still gave the best massage ever.

It didn’t do a THING.



One of the best parts of my treatment is the full, undivided, 100% attention to you, 100% of the time.

Which was only 99% today.

So - while shame and guilt are not very useful emotions so I choose not to indulge - I wanna make a public commitment to myself and you guys to not do that again.

I won’t say I never will.

We’re only humans.

But, striving to be the best therapist you’ve ever had makes me a better human too.

So I promise to do my best to hold the standard high... and not forget about that airplane mode again. 😂



facial massage, facial acupressure

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